At MilitaryHistoryNow.com we have the utmost respect for writers, photographers, podcasters and film makers and the material they create. While the vast majority of what we publish is our own original work, when we do print articles from outside authors, journalists and bloggers, we ALWAYS seek permission before publishing and we clearly credit our contributors up front. When using images or videos that are not in the public domain, MHN seeks the express written permission of the copyright holder(s) in advance. If for some reason you believe that we have used your words or images without due credit, please let us know!
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Do you have the details of the copyright holder for this image:- https://i0.wp.com/militaryhistorynow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Calais.jpg?w=640&ssl=1
It is being used elswhere, and the author has a somewhat cavalier attitude to anyone else’s rights.
Dear sirs,
Your cation “An RAF Mosquito is loaded with a 4,000-pound RDX “Tallboy” bomb” is incorrect. The bomb is an incendary not a Tallboy
Garry Stone M.A.