Ike’s D-Day Failure Letter — Read the Speech Eisenhower Was Set to Deliver If the Invasion Failed

“Despite the seeming inevitability of an Allied triumph, the success of the cross-channel invasion in 1944 seemed like anything but a foregone conclusion.” “SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND AIRMEN of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to…

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Zouaves – Meet the 19th Century’s Most Colourful Soldiers

“America wasn’t the only country to embrace France’s Zouave uniform.” IN TODAY’S WORLD of disruptive camouflage, ghillie suits and stealth technology, the idea of marching into combat in red silk pants, a bright blue tunic…

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Gulf War 1941 — The Forgotten Allied Invasion of Iran

“The ensuing campaign would cost hundreds of lives, raise to the throne a future dictator and set the stage for the first real show down of the Cold War.” DURING THE LATE summer of 1941,…

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The Bereaved — Grace Darling Seibold and America’s First ‘Gold Star Mothers’

“Many observers believed that the sheer number of grieving mothers gathered so dramatically in public would actually help foster peace.” By April Smith  ON FEB. 7, 1930, FIRST LADY LOU HENRY HOOVER reached into a silver bowl…

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Pub Crawling — 10 of the Most Famous Watering Holes from Military History

“Various pubs, taverns and watering holes have featured prominently in the pages of military history.” “So, Napoleon walks into a bar…” While it sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, it’s actually part of…

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Hitler’s Secret War Machines – Nine Nazi Weapons that Violated the Versailles Treaty

“Within weeks of taking office, the Nazi dictator kicked off a clandestine campaign aimed at turning Germany into a global military super power before the end of the decade.” ADOLF HITLER AND THE NAZIS RODE…

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