Two-Wheeled Warriors – A Brief History of Bicycles on the Battlefield

“Bike riding infantry could carry heavier loads father and faster than men on foot, and riders would still have the energy to charge into battle, even after hours of pedalling.” THE BICYCLE (as we know it…

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Canada marks the 200th Anniversary of 1812… with a TV commercial

Hey everyone: No new blog entires this week. I’ll be travelling for the next eight days through the Rocky Mountains and along Canada’s Pacific coast. In the meantime, I thought I’d share with you a…

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Heavyweights — The Monster Super Tanks of World War Two

“Small, thinly armoured and under-gunned, the first tanks of World War Two were light-weights when compared to the lumbering beasts that would lurch off production lines within a few short years.” TO UNDERSTAND JUST how…

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The Forgotten Role of Indigenous Americans in the U.S. Civil War

“Some Indian factions taking up arms for both the Union and the Confederacy.” THE U.S. CIVIL WAR wasn’t just an internecine struggle between white Americans from the north and south. Native tribes throughout the United States…

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Those Brave Jackasses — Meet Some Heroic Wartime Donkeys

“The British army in the First World War actually promoted a donkey to the rank of Sergeant.” FOR THE FIRST 180 years of its existence as a sovereign nation, the United States supposedly never lost…

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The Mouse that Roared – Inside a Forgettable 100-Year Conflict Between France and a Tiny Village in Spain

“Nothing much came of the conflict. It’s unclear if the government of France knew or even cared that the people of the remote Andalusian town were up in arms.” WHEN Spain’s King Alfonso XII travelled…

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