Top Gun — Nine Things Hollywood Got Wrong About the U.S. Navy’s Fighter Weapons School
“While the Navy’s graduate-level fighter pilot training program was a Big Thing in 1986, it was anything but that when it was created in 1969.” By Dwight Jon Zimmerman WHEN THE BLOCKBUSTER Top Gun, starring…
Kriegsspiel – How a 19th Century Table-Top War Game Changed History
“More than just a war game, Kriegsspiel was an invaluable training tool used to introduce a generation of military officers to the operational art of war.” By Laurence Kay STRATEGY GAMES have a long and…
Warrior Queens — Five Legendary Women Who Took On the Roman Empire
“The Roman historians who chronicled their stories invariably expressed shocked and dismay that the legions suffered even temporary defeats at the hands of female commanders.” By Pamela Toler THE HISTORY OF the Roman Empire is…
Unkindest Cuts – The Three Most Famous British Sabres of the Napoleonic Era
“The three sword patterns of 1796 all played important roles in Napoleonic history: one distinguished, one solid, and one unimpressive.” By John Danielski “TROOPER DAWKINS of the 11th [Hussars] raised himself in his stirrups and…
‘Agents Unknown’ – Filmmaker Reveals America’s Secret Spy War in Vietnam
“To understand the war better, it’s necessary to know why combat decisions were made, and how those decisions were the product of good or bad intelligence.” WHY DID THE United States lose in Vietnam? Was…
Defying Hitler – Meet Three Nazi Insiders Who Secretly Worked to Bring Down the Third Reich
“To everyone, he seemed like the model officer; few knew that his conversion to Nazism was a sham.” THE RULERS OF Nazi Germany tolerated neither dissent nor opposition. Yet despite the regime’s powerful state security…