Bunker Mentalities – Some of History’s Most Famous Underground Military Complexes

“For those of use who can’t afford a survival shelter fit for Donald Trump, we can still at least visit some of history’s best-known wartime bunkers.” EBOLA OUTBREAKS, NUCLEAR ARMAGEDDON, THE DREADED zombie apocalypse —…

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Naval Historian Sounds Alarm Over America’s Silent Service

THE UNITED STATES NAVY MAY SOON BE boning up on the lost Cold War art of anti-submarine warfare (ASW), according to one military historian. In a recent article for the current affairs magazine The Diplomat, James R….

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Bloodletting – The Deadliest One-Day Battles in Military History

THE AMERICAN CIVIL was entering its 18th month in September of 1862 when two colossal armies met 60 miles northwest of Washington D.C. in a quiet corner of Maryland On Sept. 13, 1862, 55,000 Rebel…

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‘Known But To God’ – How the World Commemorates its Unknown Soldiers

“At least 45 other nations have dedicated shrines to unknown soldiers. Here are some of the more interesting ones.” (Originally published on October, 27, 2014) ALL OF CANADA WILL PAUSE TOMORROW as Nathan Cirillo of…

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Touché – Some of the Snappiest Comebacks in Military History

“Military history is replete with amusing (and concise) responses to ultimatums.” CAUGHT BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE.  That would be an apt description of the Zaporozhian Cossacks of southern Ukraine. Originally a band…

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M4 Furious – 11 Essential Facts About the Sherman Tank

“Widely acclaimed as one of the main contributors to the Allied victory, the M4 Sherman is perhaps the most recognizable American fighting vehicle of the entire Second World War.” THE GRITTY WAR DRAMA FURY conquered the box…

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