The Pope’s Private Army – 10 Fascinating Facts About the Vatican’s Swiss Guards
“Here are some little-known facts about the Vatican’s five-century-old mercenary legion.” (Originally published on Dec 8, 2014) POPE FRANCIS HAS FIRED the commander of the Vatican’s 500-year-old security regiment — the Swiss Guard. News outlets…
The Secret Life of Napoleon Bonaparte – 10 Things You Didn’t Know About History’s Most Famous Conqueror
By Shannon Selin THERE’S NO SHORTAGE OF Napoleon Bonaparte facts. Here are 10 you may not be aware of. They struck me as interesting when I was researching my novel: Napoleon in America. Napoleon couldn’t carry a…
Flying Under the Radar – The Hidden History of Stealth Warplanes
WHILE CHINA’S NEW SPACE-AGED J-31 stealth fighter is designed to be virtually invisible, Beijing’s trumpeting of the new aircraft has been anything but inconspicuous. After unveiling the low-observable supersonic jet at the country’s national airshow…
Anatomy of a Battle – App Maker Offers MHN Readers Interactive Map of Antietam Clash
LAST MONTH, reported the release of The West Point History of the Civil War. The comprehensive volume, which was compiled by faculty historians at the prestigious United States Military Academy, is available in hard cover and also…
Crackers – Military History’s Most Famous Code-Breakers
“While The Imitation Game will certainly put British wartime cryptanalysis back into the spotlight, the annals of military history are filled with other intriguing stories of codes and the people who broke them.” THE AMAZING STORY BEHIND…
‘Why We Fight’ – America’s World War Two Propaganda Masterpiece
“The U.S. government still chose to bankroll a series of films to explain to both servicemen and civilians alike the reasons for America’s involvement in the widening struggle.” FEW TIMES IN HISTORY HAVE AMERICANS been…