G-Men vs. The Kaiser — FBI Historian Traces the Bureau’s Role in WW1 Counter-Espionage
At 2 a.m. on July 30, 1916, German agents operating inside the United States touched off 2 million pounds of American-made munitions stored on the Hudson River in Jersey City, New Jersey. The entire consignment was awaiting transport to Britain…
Living History 2014 — MHN Community Tweets Their Best Photos of the Year
The MilitaryHistoryNow.com community tweets us their top photos of 2014
In Convsersation with Bernard Cornwell — Novelist Talks About Latest Books, Wellington and Life After Sharpe
“People ask me if I could go back in time and ask [Wellington] questions what would they be? I’d rather send a Victoria’s Secrets model back to do it. He’d tell her everything. All his best…
The Deadly 88 — Was Germany’s Flak 18/37 the best gun of World War Two?
“As Operation Battleaxe kicked off on June 15, 1941, Matildas advancing towards the Halfaya Pass were cut down with surgical precision by just five German 88s.” Story Courtesy GermanWarMachine.com IN DECEMBER 1940, the Allies chased…
Bloody Murder — Nine of the Most Shocking POW Massacres of World War Two
“While the Malmedy Massacre may be one of the better-known atrocities committed against POWs in World War Two, the history of the six-year conflict is rife with similar crimes.” NEXT WEDNESDAY MARKS THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY…
The Four-Minute Men – Meet the Army of Propagandists Who Sold WW1 to the American Public
“In the era before electronic mass media, it would take face-to-face sales pitches (and lots of ‘em) to fully drive the pro-war message home.” THE FIRST WORLD WAR WAS WELL INTO ITS THIRD YEAR on…