History From Up High — Readers Tweet Google Earth Shots of Major Wartime Landmarks

Military history’s most amazing landmarks as seen from space

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Tank Clash – The German Panther vs. the Soviet T-34-85

By Ben Hollingum, GermanWarMachine.com WHEN THE PANTHER TANK first appeared on the battlefields of the Eastern Front, the Soviets did not have an effective weapon to counter it. They had a new medium tank in development (the…

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Objective: Ireland – Five World Powers That Planned to Conquer the Emerald Isle

“While the Norse, Norman and English conquests of Ireland are well remembered, a host of other would-be invaders have tried (and failed) to make Ireland theirs. Consider these.” ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY, just about everyone…

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The Last Blitz – Hitler’s 1944 Bomber Raids Against London

“While the English press dubbed the raids the “Baby Blitz,” the Germans called it “Operation Steinbock.” The campaign would go down in history as the final Nazi bomber offensive of World War Two.” BY EARLY…

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Guns in the Sky – 12 Warplanes That Were Armed With Artillery

“Consider these ‘flying cannons’ (listed in order of ascending firepower)” AERIAL WARFARE was still in its infancy when aviation innovators devised history’s first ‘gunship’. In 1915, mechanics with the French air corps began outfitting the Voisin III with 37…

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The Art of War — MHN Readers Tweet Their Favourite Paintings from Military History

MHN Followers tweet their favourite paintings from military history.

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