Bonaparte the Bookworm – Napoleon Was An Avid Reader; So What Were His Favourite Books?

“At the École Militaire in Paris and as a young artillery officer, Napoleon continued to read classical scholars, as well as more recent French and Italian authors.” By Shannon Selin NAPOLEON BONAPARTE was a voracious…

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Instant Arsenal – Six Bizarre Impromptu Weapons of Britain’s WW2 Home Guard

“Although Germany would eventually abandon all plans of landing troops on British soil, the Home Guard (and its oddball arsenal) continued to hold the line until the very end of the war.” AS THE RAF and the…

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Hiding in Plain Sight – How WW1-Era ‘Dazzle’ Camouflage Could Save Lives in 21st Century War Zones

AN OUTMODED century-old camouflage technique may be getting a new lease on life, thanks to a recent study from Great Britain’s University of Bristol. Researchers from the school’s experimental psychology and biological science departments are…

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Rules of Engagement – Eight Surprisingly Simple Air Combat Tricks the Red Baron Used to Conquer the Skies

“Boelcke’s teachings, which he eventually wrote down, made an impression on young Manfred.” GERMANY’S Manfred Von Richthofen, also known as the Red Baron, wasn’t a very good pilot; his flying instructors thought him a mediocre…

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April Fools – Eight Classic Deceptions From Military History

“’All warfare is based on deception,’ wrote Sun Tzu in his seminal work The Art of War and he was right.” NORTH KOREA MADE HEADLINES in April of 2013 when it was discovered that a photograph…

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“Granny,” “Wooden Head” and “Snapping Turtle” — The Curious Nicknames of 15 Civil War Generals

“Like the great Stonewall, many of these storied leaders also earned themselves equally memorable nicknames.” THOMAS J. JACKSON WAS one of the more eccentric figures of the American Civil War. A high-strung, scripture-quoting, martinet, the…

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