Shooting the Messenger — Meet the Journalist Who Was Fired for Breaking the Story of Germany’s Surrender
“Kennedy and his colleagues were flabbergasted when Allied commanders demanded the assembled newsies wait at least 36 hours before releasing the bombshell to the world.” JOURNALISTS ARE NORMALLY congratulated for breaking major news first. But for one…
The Mayaguez Incident — America’s Deadly Last Battle in South East Asia Happened Two Week’s After Saigon’s Fall
“The crisis and botched rescue served as a farcical footnote to America’s decade-long misadventure in Indo China.” CHARLES McMAHON AND DARWIN LEE JUDGE lay claim to a most unfortunate place in the history books: The two…
“Kolberg” — Nazi Germany’s Cinematic Swan Song
“The 104-minute feature film was a dramatization of the historic battle by Prussian patriots to defend Pomerania’s last un-conquered city from Napoleon.” THE LAST THING Germany’s dazed and weary masses wanted or needed in early 1945 was a movie —…
All Along the Watchtower — Danish Photographer Captures Hitler’s Atlantic Wall
IN 1942, Adolf Hitler ordered the construction of a 2,000-mile long chain of coastal fortifications to safeguard Occupied Europe from an Allied invasion. It took more than a half a million labourers over two years to…
No Survivors – Famous Regiments That Were Completely Wiped Out
“Custer’s 7th Cavalry is just one of several army units from history that have been completely wiped out in a single battle.” THE CITIZENS OF AMERICA received a nasty surprise for their country’s 100th anniversary. In early…
P-47 Thunderbolt – 11 Fast Facts About Republic’s Rugged Fighter Plane
“More than 15,600 Thunderbolts were manufactured between 1941 and 1945 and they served in every theatre of the war.” WITH ITS SLEEK LINES, nimble handling and lightning-fast speed, the North American P-51 quickly became a…