Killer Apps – Seven WW2-Themed Downloadables for Your Smart Phone
By Allie Cooper THE STUDY OF history (particularly among the young in the United States) is on the decline. According to recent research from the U.S. Department of Education, the number of American youth pursuing…
Kurz & Allison — Meet the Two Artists Whose Colourful Civil War Illustrations Captivated the Public
“The cartoon-like dramatizations of Civil War combat took the nation by storm and were snapped up by veterans and civilians eager to revel in the nostalgia of the bygone conflict.” EARLY PHOTOGRAPHERS LIKE Matthew Brady…
All the War’s a Stage – ‘The Dreamers’ Puts Musical Spin on WW1 Play Shines Spotlight on Soldiers’ Longings for Home THE FIRST WORLD WAR Centenary, which this summer enters its second year, has thus far seen anniversary book releases, documentaries, TV ads, museum exhibits and even massive outdoor art displays. And now a U.K.-based theatre…
#MHNLivingHistory Project — Readers Share Historical Events Photos Using Our Hashtag
Got your own pics to share? Tweet them to us with the hashtag #MHNLivingHistory THE DRONE OF piston engines, the crackle of musketry, the whiff of black powder – Summer is THE season for living…
Mustang 2.0 – Did the USAF Really Plan to Modernize the P-51 During the 1980s?
“As recently as the 1980s, the Pentagon considered bringing heavily modified variants of the legendary 1940s warbird back into service. Here’s the story.” WHILE THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE remains on the cutting edge of advanced fighter…
Whatever Happened To… ? — Seven Famous Military Leaders and What They Did Later in Life
Douglas MacArthur once remarked that old soldiers never die, “…they just fade away.” These seven generals certainly did. MANY OF history’s most celebrated military commanders achieved immortality by dying heroically in battle. Think: Horatio Nelson, James Wolfe, Stonewall Jackson and George Armstrong Custer….