Pub Crawling — 10 Famous Watering Holes from Military History

“Various pubs, taverns and watering holes have featured prominently in the pages of military history.” “So, Napoleon walks into a bar…” While it sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, it’s actually part of…

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Operation Dragoon — Airborne Forces and the Second Allied Invasion of France

“Once Operation Dragoon was given the green light, only a few days of training were available, and most of it took place on the outskirts of Rome.” By Michael E. Haskew ALTHOUGH SHORTAGES IN both…

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Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki — Reflections on the Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Japan

“While many today oppose the use of cluster bombs, landmines, and drones due to the carnage they wreak on civilian populations, none of these can match the devastation which befell the people of Japan.” By…

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The Plane That REALLY Won WW2 – Everything You Need to Know About the C-47 Skytrain

“The C-47 was the primary carrier of American and British airborne troops during World War Two.” WHEN HE WROTE his memoir of World War Two, titled Crusade In Europe, General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of…

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A Violent Defection – How a Battalion of Ukrainian SS Troops Mutinied and Joined the French Resistance

“A mutiny of the battalion had been arranged through negotiations between four Ukrainian officers and… a taciturn resistance operative.” By Matt Rohde ON THE LAST Sunday of August 1944, the Second World War delivered to…

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Nathan Hale & Moses Dunbar – Two Very Different Victims From Revolutionary America 

“Nathan Hale and Moses Dunbar were both honorable men who followed their consciences to reach opposite conclusions about the merits of American independence.” ALTHOUGH HE WAS neither a prominent military figure nor a Founding Father,…

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