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Drums Along the Minnesota — Inside the Dakota Uprising of 1862

“The Dakota became a people poised on a knife’s edge between war and peace, lacking only a dramatic incident to upset the balance.” By John Danielski FOUR HEN’S eggs started the bloodiest American Indian uprising…

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Murder Behind Barbed Wire — The Secret Trials of Nazi POWs in America

“Military prosecutors brought murder charges against 15 German POWs and court-martialled them before secret military tribunals.” By William Geroux BY 1943, the western Allies had a problem: Where to keep the hundreds of thousands of…

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Freefalls — Meet Three Allied Airmen Who Fell to Earth Without a Parachute and Survived

“Imagine plummeting from an airplane at a height of several thousand feet or more. By Robert Schreiner IMAGINE accidentally falling from the roof of your house or the upstairs balcony of an apartment building. Chances…

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The Fight for Manila — Inside the Largest Urban Battle in U.S. Army History

“It was a victory, but it was not MacArthur’s best work.” By Nicholas Evan Sarantakes “ONE OF America’s greatest heroes is dead,” President Lyndon Johnson declared upon the death of General of the Army Douglas…

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The Strange Death of U-4708 — How the Allies Sunk a German U-Boat in its Own Sub Pen

“Most of the Allied bombing raids aimed at submarine pens inflicted only superficial damage.”  By Robert Schreiner ON THE night of April 9, 1945, two German submarines were berthed within the cavernous concrete enclosure of…

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Hastings ‘Pug’ Ismay — Meet the British General Who Became Churchill’s ‘Right Hand’ in Wartime

“Who was this mysterious man and what was it that made him so indispensable to a wartime prime minister?” By John Kiszely ON 6 April 1982, at the very start of the Falklands War, the…

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