“Despite their importance, the Wolverine and Sable have become little more than two curious footnotes to the larger history of the Second World War.”
ALTHOUGH THE UNITED STATES commissioned a staggering 151 aircraft carriers during World War Two, it’s safe to say that none were quite like the USS Wolverine and her sister ship the USS Sable.
Not only were the two flattops the only American wartime carriers powered by coal (most naval vessels of the era ran on fuel oil), both served their entire military careers on Lake Michigan – a landlocked Great Lake in the middle of North America.
And while these freshwater fighting ships faced no enemy and fired no shots in anger, both were invaluable to the American war effort. Together, they prepared thousands of naval aviators for the dangerous job of landing planes on pitching and rolling flight decks at sea. And it was squadrons of these same naval aviators that would help turn the tide against the Axis.
Yet despite their importance, the Wolverine and Sable have become little more than two curious footnotes to the larger history of the Second World War. That is, until now. Here’s their story.

From Passenger Liners to Carriers
Commissioned in 1942 as a training ship for naval aviators, the Wolverine began its life in 1913 as the paddle-wheel steamer Seeandbee, a Lake Erie luxury cruise liner capable of carrying 1,500 passengers. The 500-foot-long vessel featured 500 private cabins, a saloon and a great formal dining hall, complete with an orchestra.
For years, the Seeandbee’s berths were filled with upscale travellers looking to get from Buffalo to Cleveland overnight in style. But as ticket sales slumped during the Great Depression, the ship’s future seemed bleak. It wasn’t until 1942 that she won a new and entirely unexpected lease on life.

Within weeks of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Washington bought the aging steamship and began converting her for military use. The navy was desperate for training aircraft carriers for the coming onslaught of rookie pilots and deck crew and the admirals couldn’t spare a single serving flattop for the role. But ships like the Seeandbee could easily fit the bill.
In just four months, work crews cut away the vessel’s superstructure and fitted her hull with a 500-foot wooden flight deck, complete with arrester cables. A small bridge along the starboard side was also added.
Re-christened the USS Wolverine (IX-64) and commissioned in August of 1942, the vessel, which lacked the hangar decks and defensive weaponry of a serving aircraft carrier, would be little more than a floating runway. Yet despite her shortcomings, the Wolverine was a handy platform for pilots to practice take offs and landings, thus freeing up frontline carriers for combat duty. By early 1943, the vessel was sailing daily from Chicago’s Navy Pier into Lake Michigan where she’d conduct flight training operations.

“The Cornbelt Fleet”
By 1943, the navy needed even more carrier pilots trained, so in May the Wolverine was joined by another flattop, the newly refurbished USS Sable.
This newer carrier had been converted from the 518-foot-long paddle-wheel liner Greater Buffalo, the former pride of the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Company’s Lake Erie fleet.
In her prime, the Greater Buffalo treated passengers to luxury staterooms, a vast dining hall, an onboard movie theatre and even its own radio station. But by 1941, the GB sat idle. The following year, she too was acquired by the navy and retrofitted with a flight deck — this one made of steel. Eight rows of arresting cables were also added and a bridge. Down below were pilot briefing rooms, living quarters, mess halls and even laundry facilities for both aviators and crew.

Together, the two unlikely vessels became known affectionately as “the Cornbelt Fleet” — a nod to the ships’ landlocked Midwestern cruising grounds.
By the late spring of 1943, the Sable and Wolverine were launching and recovering single-engine warplanes flown by aviators from Chicago’s Glanview Naval Air Station. Training ran seven days a week. When operations were in full swing, 100 fliers a day were earning their carrier qualifications on the two ships’ decks.

Earning Wings
But it wasn’t all smooth sailing for the Cornbelt Fleet. Despite steaming off the so-called Windy City, the air on Lake Michigan was often too calm to allow for safe carrier flying. The wind over deck (WOD) speeds necessary for aircraft launch and recovery were a far cry from those found on the world’s oceans. The often still air also kept heavy frontline combat planes like Hellcats, Corsairs and Avengers from getting stiff enough tailwinds for safe touchdowns. Take offs were also a challenge. Even SNJ Texan trainers, Navy variants of the lightweight AT-6, often had trouble operating from the Sable and Wolverine. In fact, wind conditions were sometimes so calm, flight operations had to be suspended altogether for days at a time.
Yet despite these limitations, the carrier pilot training program was a resounding success. Nearly 18,000 fliers conducted more than 116,000 landings and take-offs on the two vessels between 1943 and 1945. During that period, fewer than 300 planes were lost.

Sailing Into the Sunset
With the war won, the need for carrier pilots ended virtually overnight. Both ships were decommissioned within weeks of Japan’s surrender. While the Wolverine was sold off for scrap, the Great Lakes Historical Society offered to convert the Sable into a floating museum at Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Sadly, the plans fell through and in 1947 the carrier was sent to a shipyard in Hamilton, Ontario to be broken up.
All that remains of the Wolverine and Sable now are photos and some newsreel footage. like this…
From 1940 to 1948 my father was a reporter (later editor) on the Chicago Daily Sun. During summers at U. Mich. in the 1920s he had worked on lake boats (always called boats) as a deckhand and steward, and in 1943 or 1944 spent a day on the Lake aboard USS SABLE, gathering material for a story. My favorite picture of him was taken by the Sun photographer on deck wearing a deck crew helmet (just cloth then) and a big grin.
One error in the story: No AT-6 ever operated from their decks, only SNJs, the Navy version with a hook and cat spools. And the pic they label as a Hellcat looks a good deal more like an FM-2 Wildcat, much more suitable for small decks.
The story fails to mention that these were the only paddlewheel carriers to see service, giving them incomparable low-speed maneuverability..
Will O’Neil
P.S. The highlight of my childhood memories is a voyage from Detroit to Buffalo aboard the lake steamer Greater Detroit in 1944, aged 5. It also involved a trip on the streamliner, but that was nothing like so exciting.
Thank you so much for sharing your Dads stories. These remembrance’s of our parents from WW II are so important and most of them are just forgotten. The first time I met my father in law he told me that he flew in a F-13 during the war. I thought he was nuts. After a little research I found out a F-13 was a B-29 converted to a photo recon plane. F was the designation for Foto. Guess he wasn’t nuts after all .Thanks again.
Tiny correction: Lake Michigan is not landlocked. You can sail from it, to Lake Huron, past Detroit, into Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, down the St Lawrence Seaway,and into the Atlantic. Seagoing freighters sail the Great Lakes everyday.
Lake Michigan was landlocked during WWII as the St. Lawrence Seaway wasn’t opened to navigation until 1959.
It was at that time, until the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway
My father-in-law was a supply officer on the Wolverine. He was very proud of the service. He met my mother-in-law who was working in Chicago. They lived in Waukegan. He is gone now, but my mother-in-law is still living at 96. Thanks for this story I enjoyed reading it very much.
-Samuel D. Thomas
My father was a Navy Officer stationed on the USS WOLVERINE during WW II. He used to tell me stories about some of the planes taking off, then crashing into the water. I’m sure my dad saw several planes take off and land on the Wolverine. I remember a few years ago I saw a news segment about people recovering a few of the planes at the bottom of Lake Michigan. My dad was a great man and proud to serve our country during WW II. I enjoyed reading this article. Sam Thomas is my brother-in-law. Thank you to Sam for sharing.
President George Bush trained on these ships
actually, a carrier aircraft requires a headwind in order to land safely, the higher the headwind the lower the actual ground speed over the carrier’s deck, as a carrier always turns into the wind to help increase the wind over the deck. this knowledge was gained from four (4) West-Pac cruises in the US Navy between 1975 and 1986, including the evacuation of Saigon, and the retaking of SS Mayaguez by US Forces. KJA Tyson, U S Navy veteran
YES , And how much money did we bleed from the tax payor for this program
Yes we are broke now , flooded with millions of legal illegal ! We are finished !
IT IS OVER FOR AMERICA WE LOST IT ALL ! The American Dummassessss!!!
Surface wind is not the only way to have adequate wind velocity for aircraft operations on an aircraft carrier. The ship can increase speed INTO the wind to bring the Wind Over Deck velocity up to adequate speed. Sable and Wolverine were not fast enough to do this in light winds, where combat aircraft carriers could do it as necessary.